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>>>DECLINED<<<mage app

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>>>DECLINED<<<mage app Empty >>>DECLINED<<<mage app

Post  Xerdo Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:44 am

Character Xerdo
Class: Mage
Specc: Fire
Are you willing to respecc if needed?: Yes ofc
Proffesions that could be of use: No

Armory profile
Resistance gear:

Raids Karazan full run, Gruul's Lair full run
What is your current /played time: 15days
Raid experience: Karazan and Gruul's Lair
Karazhan: Full Run
Gruul: Full Run
Others (MH/BT/SP):

Raid Times:
Until what time can you raid on weekdays/weekends: Whole time in week
(11-12 is minimum)

Why do you want to join Catharsis?: Because i have always been in unserious guilds. I Wanna join a serious, active, social and fun guild, as i can trust on.
What guild are you in now and why are you leaving it?: Conquest. I leave it because it's so unserious and cant trust on them in guild.
What do you think you would bring to our guild? I will make people happy. Be soicial in guild chat and have time to do any instance/raid when need me.

General info
Name: Robin
Age: 18
Nationality: Sweden
How good is your english? Smile 1-10=8


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>>>DECLINED<<<mage app Empty Re: >>>DECLINED<<<mage app

Post  Gnizz Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:57 am

Kinda full on mages tbh. Your gear aint that impressive either. Talked it over with pob and we're not gonna take you in. sry mate


Posts : 62
Join date : 2008-08-01
Location : in a white bright room

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