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>>>ACCEPTED<<<Firea's app to the guild.

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>>>ACCEPTED<<<Firea's  app to the guild. Empty >>>ACCEPTED<<<Firea's app to the guild.

Post  Firea Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:05 am

Name: Firea
Class: Mage
Specc: 40/21/0
Are you willing to respecc if needed?: ofcourse.
Proffesions that could be of use: enchanting (very low, gonna train it up) tailoring 375

Armory profile
Resistance gear: am trying to get right now full spellfire set, but it's take's a while.

What is your current /played time: 35 days and 2 hours.
Raid experience:
Zul'Aman:some of it.
Gruul: full
TK: nope.
SSC: nope.
Others (MH/BT/SP):

Raid Times:
Until what time can you raid on weekdays/weekends:
(11-12 is minimum)
on weekend i can raid around 6-02:00
Why do you want to join Catharsis?: i wanna raid some other bosses than kara and gruul all the time.
What guild are you in now and why are you leaving it?: am in "Stalkers". It's not a great guild. I've helped them alot with finding members, and it's a kara guild.
What do you think you would bring to our guild? I think i can give you a good laughter and one more DPS, that's always active and can raid.

General info
Name: Adam Fällström
Age: 15
Nationality: Sweden
How good is your english? pretty good. Can talk to ppl and know what there saying.


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>>>ACCEPTED<<<Firea's  app to the guild. Empty WoW armory

Post  Firea Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:07 am

there's my WoW armory, was so dumb that forgot it.


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>>>ACCEPTED<<<Firea's  app to the guild. Empty Re: >>>ACCEPTED<<<Firea's app to the guild.

Post  Poboo Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:01 pm

hehe that's ok. We really like good applications. We are gonna accept you, but hope to see you replace your gladiator items asap:)


Posts : 90
Join date : 2008-08-01
Location : In the basement

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