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>>>ACCEPTED<<<Feral Druid Apply

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>>>ACCEPTED<<<Feral Druid Apply Empty >>>ACCEPTED<<<Feral Druid Apply

Post  Lionousf Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:38 am

Character: Lionous
Name: Hassan Bani
Class: Druid
Specc: Feral
Are you willing to respecc if needed?: im Feral, i can Heal but dont have Really good Healing gear
Proffesions that could be of use: Tailoring and Enchanting

Gear: 2/5 T4 2/5 Merciless Gladiator, now im trying get full PvE gear im Gearing now Smile
Armory profile:
Resistance gear:

What is your current /played time: Everyday from 3-11
Raid experience: AQ20, AQ40, Molten core, Zul'Gurub All these full run
Karazhan: To curator No 1 giving chance to continue
Zul'Aman: Nope
Gruul: Full run
Magtheridon: Full run
TK: Nope
Others (MH/BT/SP):

Raid Times: 8 - 11
Until what time can you raid on weekdays/weekends: 4 -11
(08 - 12 is minimum)

Why do you want to join Catharsis?: New Friends Learn More about The Raids Get better Item and stay there Forever (mean it)
What guild are you in now and why are you leaving it?: The Lost Crusade they kicked me they said they are Merging with you and i need to ask you for Join
What do you think you would bring to our guild?: If you make a website i can help with building it Smile be happy for that

General info
Name: Hassan
Age: 17
Nationality: Denmark
How good is your english?: Good just in Writing and reading, Not in speaking Smile


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>>>ACCEPTED<<<Feral Druid Apply Empty second opinion

Post  Poboo Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:47 am

I would like to get a tank to take a look at your application. I will get someone to do it asap:)

Posts : 90
Join date : 2008-08-01
Location : In the basement

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>>>ACCEPTED<<<Feral Druid Apply Empty Re: >>>ACCEPTED<<<Feral Druid Apply

Post  Gnizz Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:19 am

Tbh we're kinda full on tanks, but atm it's just me and Sopphue raiding so I think it would be good to get another tank for 25-man. imo we shud take him in.

Posts : 62
Join date : 2008-08-01
Location : in a white bright room

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>>>ACCEPTED<<<Feral Druid Apply Empty Accepted

Post  Poboo Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:52 am

then it's decided. Accepted talk to me in-game

Posts : 90
Join date : 2008-08-01
Location : In the basement

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