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>>>ACCEPTED<<<apply prot warrior

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>>>ACCEPTED<<<apply prot warrior Empty >>>ACCEPTED<<<apply prot warrior

Post  zuiperma Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:32 am

Are you willing to respecc if needed?:tea ofc but i think prot might come handy in raids etc
Proffesions that could be of use: 370 mining

Gear 490 defence rating , 12,2k stam unbuffed ( tank geared )
Armory profile
Resistance gear:

What is your current /played time:48 days , 3 hours
Raid experience: MC 4 times , ZG 5 times , ZA only the first few mobs , no boss
Karazhan:not yet
Zul'Aman: not yet
Gruul:not yet
Magtheridon:not yet
TK:not yet
SSC:not yet
Others (MH/BT/SP):not yet

Raid Times:
Until what time can you raid on weekdays/weekends:
(11-12 is minimum) 10 -11:30 it depends

Why do you want to join Catharsis?:couse i would love to raid
What guild are you in now and why are you leaving it?: i had my own guild , leaving becouse my bro wanted leadership badly and it was a starting guild so no raids etc yet , just boosting members
What do you think you would bring to our guild? A good tank like me , with bluegeared tankarmor , ask Vitiate if i can tank ( did hc sp with him )

General info
Name: sven
Age: 14
Nationality: Netherlands ( dutch )
How good is your english?: pretty good , if i could choose from 1 to 10 , i would say a 9,3


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>>>ACCEPTED<<<apply prot warrior Empty Re: >>>ACCEPTED<<<apply prot warrior

Post  Vitiate Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:37 am

Good pre-tbc progression. i did Hc SP with him, hes a decent tank.

Yes he's 14, but i don't see it as a problem, his English is good

I'm gonna say ACCEPTED and give him a chance.

Posts : 58
Join date : 2008-08-04
Location : Nowhere. :(

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>>>ACCEPTED<<<apply prot warrior Empty Re: >>>ACCEPTED<<<apply prot warrior

Post  Gnizz Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:44 am

Need to gear him up in kara before he can tank ZA though :O

Posts : 62
Join date : 2008-08-01
Location : in a white bright room

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