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Fury Warrior

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Fury Warrior Empty Fury Warrior

Post  Zaivan Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:50 pm

Name: Zaivan
Class: Warrior
Specc: Fury 17/44
Are you willing to respecc if needed?: Yes, but i want to stay as damage dealer.
Proffesions that could be of use: Mining 375/375

Armory profile :
Resistance gear: None mentionable

What is your current /played time: ~34 days
Raid experience:Every dungeon from pre-tbc except full naxxramas
Karazhan: full
Zul'Aman: first 2 bosses
Gruul: no
Magtheridon: no
TK: no
SSC: no
Others (MH/BT/SP): no

Raid Times:
Until what time can you raid on weekdays/weekends: Weekdays about ~19.00 - 02.00 & any time at the weekends.

Why do you want to join Catharsis?: Feel that the guild is as far as i have come in pve and it's hard to find slots i good guilds nowadays.
What guild are you in now and why are you leaving it?: I'm in a realy small guild with just some RL mates, but I want to do some more serious raiding.
What do you think you would bring to our guild? A person thats allways up for progress. (farming aswell ofc)

General info
Name: Woll
Age: 21
Nationality: Sweden
How good is your english?: English meter |--------|--|


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Fury Warrior Empty Fury Warrior

Post  Zaivan Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:53 pm

Hm sry, missed the armory.

If it still shows pvp gear i'm willing to login in and show ingame.


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Fury Warrior Empty Re: Fury Warrior

Post  Poboo Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:01 pm

yes please:) /w me

Posts : 90
Join date : 2008-08-01
Location : In the basement

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